A column I wrote was published today in the Orlando Sentinel: Attacks on science education intensify — push back, Florida.
I tried to keep the length down. My original version was about 860 words. But the Sentinel needed it to be below 700. There is so much important information, making it painfully difficult to cut the column down. But I managed.
Science education in Florida’s public schools is facing an unprecedented assault that started last year and has the high potential to escalate this year. Evolution and climate change are the targets of a coordinated attack as detractors of these concepts seek to balance lessons with some forms of creationism or denial of human-caused climate change. […] science education in under unprecedented assault here in the Sunshine State. It’s important to stand up in support of sound science education. Will you stand with us?
Keep up the fight, pal. This anti-science stuff needs to be resisted.
My blog https://rockyrexscience.blogspot.co.uk/ is specifically for school science teachers and students, with climate science the main focus.
The blog is in the style of a UK school science text book, but of course with as many links to sources as possible.
There are lots of blogs for people who know quite a lot about this, but not much for non-experts, teachers, or school pupils and students.
We can’t let these cranks dominate education.